Dental Fees
Specialist dental treatment can seem expensive, especially when compared to NHS dental charges, or even private fees for general dental treatment. Many people wonder “why the difference?”
In fact, there are several reasons for the higher fees charged for specialist dental treatment:
- It usually involves procedures and techniques that are more complex, challenging and time consuming than those commonly used in general dental practice.
- It usually requires the use of more complex and costly dental materials, components and equipment.
- It often involves the use of highly specialised, bespoke, dental laboratory services. It is the dental laboratory technicians who fabricate many of the restorations and appliances that the specialist uses in restoring the mouth.
- A dentist must undergo several years of additional higher training, in order to acquire the knowledge, skills, qualifications and expertise needed to become a G.D.C. registered Specialist.
After your consultation with the Specialist, a written report is provided for you together with a detailed estimate of any treatment costs. These costs will be worked out on an individual basis for each patient.
It is not possible to give you an exact or comprehensive list of prices on this web site.