James Chesterman Publications
Poster Presentations at Scientific Meetings
1. Chesterman J, Greenhalgh R, Carter L, Bhakta S. Review of apical surgery service provision within a multidisciplinary unit. ESE Biennial conference. June 2015.
2. Chesterman J, Patel M, Chan M, Carter L. An audit of success rates of block onlay grafts taken from extra-oral iliac crest and intra-oral mandibular donor sites to augment the alveolar ridge, over a 7 year period. Association of Dental Implantology Congress. Manchester 1-3rd May 2013
3. Chesterman J, Beddis H, Chan M. Titanium reinforced High-density PTFE membranes in guided bone regeneration: A case series. RD-UK Conference. Newcastle. October 2016
4. Coleman A, Chesterman J, Chan M, Durey K. The use of the Dahl concept in Implant Dentistry SRRDG Annual Conference, Plymouth, August 2017.
5. J Chesterman, K Durey. Hemisection of a mandibular molar with a periodontal-endodontic lesion: Case report BSP Annual meeting, 2017
6. Chesterman J, Durey K, Chan M. Use of Xenograft blocks to augment deficient alveolar ridges prior to implant placement in trauma patients. A retrospective case series. Presented at EuroPerio9 EFP conference– Amsterdam 2018.
Refereed Publications
1. Chesterman, J, Patel, M, Chan, M and Carter, L. (2014) Seven-year outcome data of autogenous block onlay bone grafts used to augment the alveolar ridge prior to implant rehabilitation. Implant Dentistry Today: 7-10.
2. Chesterman, J, Chauhan, R, Patel, M, Chan, MFWY. (2014) The management of traumatic tooth loss with dental implants. Part 1. British Dental Journal; 217: 627-633
3. J Beaumont, J Chesterman, M Kellett, K Durey. Gingival overgrowth: Part 1: aetiology and clinical diagnosis British Dental Journal, 2017; 222(2): 85-91.
4. J Chesterman, J Beaumont, M Kellett, K Durey. Gingival overgrowth: Part 2: management strategies. British Dental Journal, 2017; 222(3): 159-165
5. J Chesterman, K Durey. Management of enamel defects: A case report of identical twins with enamel defects. Dental Update, 2017; 44: 1049-1056
6. J Chesterman, A Jowett, A Gallacher, P Nixon. Bulk-fill resin-based composite restorative materials: a review. British Dental Journal, 2017; 222(5): 337-344
7. Chesterman J, Durey K, Chan M. Use of xenograft bone block for staged ridge augmentation prior to dental implant placement in trauma patients. Faculty Dental Journal, 2020; 11 (3): 96-101.